DS 106: The Big Caption

DS 106: The Big Caption

A crowd in black graduation caps and gowns holding up blowup globes. The blue and yellow text at the bottom reads "Our defense against Flat Earthers".

In this assignment, we were asked to take a picture from The Big Picture and caption it with something that changes how one views the scenario. Below is the original image I edited from a set of the best photos in May 2019 that involved a college graduation ceremony.
A crowd in black graduation caps and gowns holding up blowup globes.
I originally thought of the idea for the caption because it reminded me of a documentary I saw about a Flat Earther convention a while back. The people attending the convention had globes similar to the ones in the photograph and they were using them to try and debunk why the Earth was flat. To my knowledge, most college graduates would agree that the Earth is in fact round, so I thought the caption was fitting. I put the image onto GIMP and added a text layer with the saying on it.

There was an issue with figuring out what color text would best stand out against all the black robes, so I took to the internet for answers. Through a few websites related to color design, I found the best colors to contrast were either a light blue/turquoise, light green, or yellow. I edited the colors on a segment of the text to see which color looked the best and decided on the blue. Originally, I came up with just the blue text, but there were some parts of the text that were hard to make out. I then thought it would stand out better if I outlined it with another color, which ended up being yellow. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find an option in GIMP to do that and any attempt I made to make that effect looked weird, so I settled on making another layer with the yellow and moving it over slightly to emphasize the letters. In the end, I think the caption and picture came out great.


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