PSY 382: Animal Learning and Behavior

PSY 382: Animal Learning and Behavior

In this course, I learned the basic theories of behavior and learning and applied them to real-life examples. There was also a lab component that included training a rat with two (2) other peers, first using classical conditioning techniques, then moving on to operant conditioning techniques. These labs included reports that detailed how behavior progressed throughout the duration of the semester.

“This course will cover historical and contemporary theories of learning and memory from a behaviorist perspective. We will focus on animal studies using classical and operant conditioning paradigms. A majority of the content will be concerned with environmental influences on behavior and focus on understanding the mechanisms of learning through investigation of empirical studies. This course fulfills a requirement for both the psychology and animal behavior majors and is an elective for the neuroscience major. 4.000 Credit hours”
–UNE Catalog Entry, PSY 382

Here are some examples of my work:
Class Assignment
Lab Report
