Animal Wonders of The Amazon River

Animal Wonders of The Amazon River

The Amazon is known to have one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. With both interesting wildlife and a native population whose life is integrated with the ecosystem, it’s no wonder that many people want to visit this amazing forest. One major draw to the Amazon is its river, which spans from Brazil to Peru and Ecuador. While you can travel along any part of the river to gain a full experience, it is recommended to travel in the Brazilian section of the river because that is where the majority of the river is located. Many tourist sites will advertise riverboats in order to travel along the Amazon, although the smaller the boat and your group is, the better chance you will have at viewing some of the animals. Let’s explore some of the most interesting animals in the Amazon River!

Amazon River Dolphin

The famous pink river dolphin.

These dolphins are unique animals in more ways than one. They are one of the very few freshwater species of dolphin. They also have no dorsal fin and have very poor eyesight, due to the murky waters they live in. Therefore, they’ve become extra reliant on their ability to echolocate. Recently, they have been featured in scientific news due to their unique use of communication, which could be used to learn more information on their sea-dwelling cousins.

Electric Eel

If looks could kill.

Despite its name, the Electric eel is actually a type of fish that can produce up to 600 watts of electricity. Shockingly, while this can be enough to kill some of its larger predators, most humans will only be stunned if shocked. So it’s a good idea, as always, to bring a buddy or two with you for extra safety. They can also use their electric shocks to get a sense of their surroundings.


Deadly predator or scavanger?

These interesting fish are only native to the Amazon. As expected from their sharp teeth, they can eat small fish and animals. However, the idea of always ravenous man-eating fish is an exaggeration most people make either through misinterpreting what is actually going on or to run a publicity stunt. Most of the time, when Piranhas go into a frenzy, its either because they don’t have much access to food, or they can smell blood, which usually equals an easy meal. In fact, many species of Piranha are important scavengers to the Amazon river, which often leads to them eat dying or dead animals of any size. Some species have also been seen to live on a vegetarian diet only, eating seeds, nuts, and plants. That doesn’t mean you won’t be at least nibbled by a few Piranha if you decide to go swimming. As mentioned previously, it is always good to exercise caution, but don’t become frozen in fear if you come across a group of Piranhas.

These are only some of the amazing animals in the Amazon. If you want to see more, you just need to grab your passport, a life vest, and a flight over to South America. You won’t forget this trip!

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