Daily Create #tdc2711: Sweet Dreams are Made of These

Daily Create #tdc2711: Sweet Dreams are Made of These

For today’s Daily Create, they had us recount a dream, which could either be a literal dream or a wish we had for the future. I was immediately brought back to a dream I had around grade school or younger. I don’t remember the exact details of it, but I do remember being inside my house and seeing fish swimming through the air all over the place. I was pretty self-aware that it was a dream at the time and it was weird enough that I remember it to this day.

While looking for an accompanying image for this Create, I found a website for “interpreting” dreams that said, “Seeing fish in the air and out of water also symbolizes the free movement and release of what had previously been kept under the surface, as in an epiphany.” I normally don’t take these websites with more than a grain of salt and I wasn’t going through anything life-changing at the time of the dream, but I did find it intriguing.

While finding inspiration for the image of my Create, I found pictures and videos of kites that look like fish, so I decided to go with that. I found a good video (shown above) and put it onto GIPHY and trimmed the video. I then put some moving fish stickers to be more similar to the dream. I thought this assignment was pretty fun and I reminisced on a lot of memories during it.


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