DS 106: Say it Like the Peanut Butter
I’ll admit, when I first saw the name for this prompt, I was utterly confused as to what this assignment involved. Thankfully, the description quickly remedied that confusion. The prompt asks us to create a gif from our favorite or least favorite movie that embodies a key moment. I had a bit of trouble deciding what exactly my favorite movie was, but after I found it on Netflix recently and rewatched it, I decided this film fit the criteria exactly. This movie is “A Silent Voice”, which is a film about a deaf girl told mainly from the perspective of one of her past bullies, who is the guy shown in the gif. Throughout the film, he exhibits symptoms of anxiety disorder, which is symbolized by him putting his hands over his ears to block out the situation he is in. I picked this moment to gif because it’s a parallel to all those previous moments and is also the point in the film where he really grows as a character. I started by finding a clip of this moment on Youtube, which was easy once I used the right keywords. I didn’t realize until I saw the clip that the moment I wanted to gif was actually two separate clips, so I had to decide which of the two clips I found was better. I then uploaded the clip onto GIPHY and cut down the clip to the moment that I wanted.