DS 106: Demotivate Yourself
I had some problems with this assignment in the conceptual stage. Most of the ideas I came up with were either too obscure, since they were based on personal inside jokes, or unfunny, since the text I came up with didn’t seem to work with the format of the meme. After looking at my photos for a bit, I came across this picture I made during a Drawing class I took for an art credit at my university. The drawing was for an assignment on gesture drawing, which Wikipedia says is the laying in of the action, form, and pose of a model/figure. Specifically, my professor wanted us to focus on the general shape and “emotion” of the figure, and to draw quickly. This resulted in this lovely picture I made of my roommate playing a videogame.
My roommate and I thought this picture was so comically bad that I decided poking fun at it would be funny to do for this assignment. I used GIMP to format the picture to fit that of a demotivational poster. I had to do a bit of research to find the correct font to use for the meme since I wanted it to be accurate, and framed the picture with the black background and border before adding the text below the picture. The quote wasn’t said by my professor in relation to this art in particular, but she did say it towards the beginning of the class when explaining how she’d grade our work.