Daily Create #tdc2697: I Feel so Good

Daily Create #tdc2697: I Feel so Good

For today’s daily create, the prompt was “I Feel So Good”, accompanied by a song with the same title performed by Big Bill. While somewhat vague compared to the other daily creates I’ve seen, I decided to tackle this one to challenge myself. I saw that most of the other entries were either related to something they liked or a gif of dancing, and was more inspired by the former. My mind jumped to what are referred to as moodboards since I thought recreating a scenario where I felt good would be a nice direction to take this daily create. When I’m referring to moodboards, I’m talking about the meme format where people compile a bunch of images together to “re-create” either a style or funny situation. They are usually done in a style similar to the one shown below.

The situation I wanted to recreate was a chill day playing video games, snacking while drinking tea, and hanging out with my pets, since that is what makes me feel good. Normally this also includes a soft blanket except for the summer when it’s too warm for blankets. I started by finding images of popcorn, tea mugs, and blankets, which I figured would be the easiest to find. I ended up having more trouble than expected in finding a mug picture I liked. I then looked for a very specific image to finish the picture, a Nintendo Switch with hands holding it while Breath of the Wild, one of my favorite games, is on the screen. I ended up finding one that looked pretty good. I also found pictures that I took of my pets, who I mentioned in a previous post. I then used Gimp to add all the images together onto a white background and added the text at the top.

Sources for used images: popcornblankettea mug, video game,  moodboard example.


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